A rowing machine is a must-have for a fitness enthusiast. Everyone can use it, regardless of their age and fitness level.
What’s more, it’s a great way to get your heart rate up and burn some calories.
Owning a rowing machine is an excellent investment for your home gym. They’re not too expensive, and they last a long time.
Plus, you can use them indoors or outdoors. If you don’t have the space for a full-sized treadmill, then this is a good alternative.
Still, need convincing? Here are seven benefits of using a rowing machine.
You Can Burn More Calories In Less Time
A 155-pound person can burn about 370 calories in 30 minutes on a rowing machine. That’s about the same as running a six-minute mile or riding a bike at 14 miles per hour.
The only difference is that it’s gentle on your body but still gets your heart rate up.
And if you want to burn more calories, row at a faster pace. Or, mix up your routine by rowing for a few minutes, then getting off the machine and doing some squats or lunges.
Don’t have a machine yet? Check out barbend top picks of rowing machines and reviews
Rowing Is A Full-Body Workout
When using a rowing machine, you’re using two different muscle groups: your arms and legs.
Your arm muscles are used to pull the oar handle toward your body, and your leg muscles are used to push against the footboard to move the boat forward.
So it means that when you use a rowing machine, you’re getting a workout for both your upper and lower body.
But that’s not all. Rowing also works out your back and abs. The rowing motion uses your abdominal muscles to stabilize your torso, and it also works out the muscles in your lower back.
Just like with any other exercise, it’s essential to warm up before you start using a rowing machine.
Start with a light warm-up such as walking or jogging, and then do a few minutes of rowing. Doing so will help you get the most out of your workout.
It’s Low-Impact
Unlike running or other high-impact exercises, rowing is easy on your joints. What does this mean?
It means that you can row without having to worry about over-stressing your joints, which is excellent news if you’re looking for a low-impact exercise to add to your routine.
It’s low-impact but high-intensity. Meaning you can exercise faster and achieve a better workout in a shorter time.
Rowing Can Help Improve Your Posture
Poor posture is typical, especially in those who sit for extended periods.
It’s often the result of muscle imbalances, where some muscles are overused, and others are underused. As a result, it can cause pain in the neck, shoulders, and back.
Rowing is a great way to correct these imbalances because it uses all of your major muscle groups.
For example, you use your back muscles to pull the oar in and your abdominal muscles to keep you stable. In addition, it uses muscles that are often weak from sitting all day, and it can help to correct poor posture.
Rowing Is A Great Way To Relieve Stress
The rhythmic and repetitive motion in rowing can be very calming and relaxing. Imagine yourself out on a lake, early in the morning, with the sun just starting to peek over the horizon.
The only sound is that of your oar dipping into the water and the occasional bird call. Rowing can be a very meditative experience.
The same can be true for indoor rowing. Even though you’re not out on a lake, you can still close your eyes and imagine yourself there.
The rowing machine provides the perfect opportunity to zone out and focus on your breathing. It’s a great way to clear your head after a long day.
It helps people focus on their movements and breathe evenly. Also, it helps release endorphins, which can improve mood and provide a sense of well-being.
This feeling is essential when constantly bombarded with news and social media notifications that can easily trigger anxiety and stress.
Therefore, rowing can be a form of moving meditation that helps us find some peace and tranquility in our busy lives.
It Doesn’t Worsen Sore Muscles
Rowing doesn’t require eccentric muscle movement like cycling. When you cycle, your legs move in an eccentric contraction – contracting while lengthening.
That’s why cycling can be hard on your knees. Rowing doesn’t require this kind of muscle movement. Instead, it requires concentric muscle movement.
It means that your muscles contract while shortening. And this is much easier on your body, especially your joints.
So rowing allows you to get a great workout without putting too much strain on your body.
That’s not to say that rowing is easy. On the contrary, it’s a very challenging workout. But it’s a low-impact workout, which means it’s easier on your body than some other types of exercise.
See Quicker Results
You will see results faster in rowing because you use more large muscle groups than in most other sports.
In addition, unlike biking or running on a treadmill, which is primarily legs, rowing also works your back and arms.
It means that you not only get a great cardio workout, but you also build strength as you row.
As you row, your legs drive the oar. At the same time, your back and arms pull on the oar. This movement uses more muscles than most other sports, so you will see results faster in rowing.
Plus, because you are using your upper and lower body, you are also getting a great cardio workout.
Some people say they’ve seen results after five sessions, others after only two. So, start rowing today and see how fast you can get results!
A rowing machine is a wise investment if you’re looking to get into shape. It offers plenty of benefits, and it can be a great way to get your cardio in.
Moreover, you can use a rowing machine to target specific muscle groups, which is great if you’re looking to tone up.