12 Best Resistance Band Glute Exercises

12 Best Resistance Band Glute Exercises

Strong, sculpted glutes aren’t just about looking good in your favorite pair of jeans. They’re crucial for lower body strength, stability, and overall fitness.

Your glute muscles play a pivotal role in activities from running to standing from a seated position.

And what if you could target these muscles without heavy weights or a trip to the gym?

That’s where resistance bands come in—a light, low-impact, and super accessible form of training.

In this article, we’ll introduce you to 12 best resistance band glute exercises that fire up your lower body workout.

Let’s explore these exercises that will keep your glutes sculpted and growing stronger by the day.

1. Glute Bridge Thrust

Glute Bridge Thrust exercises ignite your buttocks muscles like a professional resistance training session.

Incorporating this move into your fitness workouts maximizes glute activation and strengthens the posterior chain.

How To Do

  • Start by lying flat on your back with knees bent and feet planted on the floor, hip – width apart.
  • Place the resistance band just above your knees to add tension and promote muscle activation.
  • Press through your heels and lift your hips off the ground, creating a straight line from shoulders to knees.
  • Squeeze your glutes at the top of the thrust for maximal glute engagement.
  • Hold that position briefly, focusing on additional hip extension to intensify the exercise.
  • Slowly lower your hips back down to hover just above the ground before repeating the move.
  • Aim for controlled movement throughout; avoid rushing to maintain proper form and effective targeting of the glutes.
  • Perform multiple repetitions to fatigue the muscle group without sacrificing technique.

To increase difficulty, extend one leg while thrusting, alternating between legs with each rep for single-leg work that challenges lower body strength further.

2. Lying Side Leg Raises

Lying Side Leg Raises are a powerful exercise for enhancing the strength and definition of your hip and thigh regions.

With this exercise, you can effectively sculpt your lower body while targeting those crucial gluteus muscles.

How To Do

  • Start by lying on your side with a resistance band placed just above your knees to maximize muscle engagement.
  • Ensure your hips stay stacked over one another and your body is in a straight line to maintain proper form throughout the movement.
  • Lift your upper leg slowly, keeping tension on the band as you raise it to intensify the workout for the hip abductor muscles.
  • Hold the position briefly at the top before controlling the descent, which helps to strengthen the glutes further.
  • Aim for controlled lifts rather than rapid movements; focus on quality reps to really challenge the outer thigh muscles.

Incorporate these lateral leg raises into your routine regularly; consistency is key for building lower body strength over time.

Adjust the resistance level by using bands of varying thickness; this allows progression as your fitness level improves.

3. Standing Hip Abduction

 Standing Hip Abduction

Standing hip abduction targets key muscles in your lower body, making it an essential exercise for muscle toning and strength.

With a resistance band, you can effectively work the hip abductor muscles and improve your hip stability.

How To Do

  • Secure the resistance band around your ankles to prepare for standing hip abduction.
  • Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart, ensuring you have a stable base.
  • Grip onto a chair or wall lightly with one hand if you need extra balance.
  • Tighten your core muscles as this will help maintain form throughout the movement.
  • Gradually lift one leg to the side while keeping it straight, going as far as the band allows comfortably.
  • Focus on using the side butt muscles to do the lifting rather than leaning to the opposite side.
  • Hold your leg in the lifted position briefly, then return it to starting position with control.
  • Perform 12-15 reps on each side for the best results.


  • Engaging your hip flexors: This exercise gets those hip flexors in on the action.
  • Increased Range of Motion: Over time, doing hip abductions can help improve the flexibility and mobility of your hip joints.

4. Kick Butt Extension

The Kick Butt Extension exercise effectively engages your gluteal muscles along with your hip flexors and quads. You’ll need a resistance band to add challenge and improve muscle tone.

How To Do

  • Begin by placing a mini band just above your knees and stand with feet shoulder-width apart.
  • Lean slightly forward, shifting weight onto your left leg while keeping your core tight.
  • Flex your right knee and lift the heel towards the glutes, tightening the resistance band.
  • Ensure that you squeeze your butt muscles as you perform the kickback motion.
  • Hold the position for a moment at the top range of motion to maximize glute engagement.
  • Slowly lower your right leg back down, maintaining control and keeping tension on the band.
  • Repeat this movement for several reps before switching to work out your left side.

Incorporate this exercise into your routine to enhance strength in both the glutes and adjacent muscle groups like adductors and quadriceps.

Gradually increasing repetitions or using a thicker mini band can intensify this workout as you progress.

5. Kneeling Banded Kickbacks

Building on the momentum from the kick butt extension, kneeling banded kickbacks focus even more intensely on your gluteal muscles.

This exercise combines core stability with lower body strength training for comprehensive toning.

How To Do

  • Begin in a tabletop position, knees under hips and wrists aligned under shoulders.
  • Loop a resistance band around one foot and anchor it beneath your opposite knee, ensuring it’s tight enough to challenge your muscles without compromising form.
  • Engage your core to keep your back flat and stable throughout the movement.
  • Slowly extend the banded leg straight back, focusing on using your glutes to lift rather than your lower back.
  • Hold for a moment at full extension, squeezing the glutes at the top of the move for maximum activation.
  • Smoothly return your leg to starting position without resting it on the ground to maintain tension in the glutes.
  • Repeat for the desired number of reps before switching to the other leg.

Keep movements controlled and deliberate; rapid motions can reduce effectiveness and increase risk of injury.

Gradually increase reps or band resistance as you build strength in those targeted hip – shaping movements.

6. Glute Kickback

Let’s talk about the glute kickback, an exercise that targets your posterior powerhouse. It is specifically designed to:

  • Strengthen and sculpt your glute muscles.
  • Enhance your hip extension capabilities, which is great not just for aesthetics but for functional fitness too!

How To Do

  • Secure the resistance band just above your knees and assume a hands-and-knees position on your mat.
  • Keep your spine neutral and engage your core; this stabilizes your torso throughout the movement.
  • Lift one leg up behind you, keeping the knee bent at a 90 – degree angle, ensuring the sole of your foot faces the ceiling.
  • Push against the resistance band by squeezing your glutes, performing a controlled kickback motion.
  • Hold the peak position for a moment to maximize muscle engagement before lowering back down with control.
  • Alternate between legs after completing a set number of repetitions or time.

Make sure not to arch your back; it could put unnecessary pressure on your spine instead of working out those glutes.

You can increase the intensity by using a thicker band or extending the duration of each kickback.

7. Single Leg Deadlift

Ever challenged your balance while toning those glutes and hamstrings?

The Single Leg Deadlift does just that – a true multitasker. Unlike a traditional deadlift, it specifically targets your hamstrings while improving balance and core stability.

How To Do

  • Stand on a flat surface with the resistance band placed under one foot.
  • Grasp the other end of the band with both hands, creating tension.
  • Keep your unweighted leg slightly bent for balance as you hinge at the hips.
  • Lower your torso and reach towards the ground, feeling a stretch in your hamstrings.
  • Engage your core to maintain proper posture throughout the movement.
  • Squeeze your glutes to lift your torso back to standing position while balancing on one leg.
  • Focus on moving smoothly and controlling the resistance band’s tension during the exercise.
  • Aim for a series of 8 to 12 repetitions before switching to target the opposite leg.

Use this exercise regularly to enhance muscle activation in both glutes and hamstrings.

8. Lunge Kickbacks

Lunge Kickbacks serve as an excellent way to focus on your glutes, quads, and hamstrings. Incorporating resistance bands elevates the challenge, maximizing muscle engagement and strength gains.

How To Do

  • Begin with a reverse lunge: Stand with feet hip-width apart and step one leg backward into a lunge position.
  • Place the resistance band just above your knees: Ensure it’s tight enough to add tension but not so tight that it restricts movement.
  • Focus on hip extension: As you rise from the lunge, engage your glutes and drive through your heel.
  • Add the kickback at the top of the movement: After returning to standing, kick back with the raised leg while keeping your core tight for balance.
  • Keep your movements controlled: Sudden jerky motions can lead to injury; instead, aim for smooth transitions between lunging and kicking back.
  • Aim for multiple sets of 10–15 repetitions on each leg for effective muscle toning.

Why Lunge Kickbacks? Well, they marry lower body strength with some dynamic action to get those legs and glutes toned.

Balance and coordination come into play big time. You’re not just building muscle; you’re enhancing stability, too.

9. Donkey Kick

Donkey Kick exercises are vital for a potent lower body workout, especially for glute strengthening.

Incorporating resistance bands elevates the challenge, enhancing muscle engagement and toning.

How To Do

  • Position yourself on all fours on a mat with a resistance band looped around the sole of one foot and anchored under your hands.
  • Ensure your hands are directly below your shoulders and your knees below your hips for optimal stability during the exercise.
  • Tighten your core to maintain balance as you slowly lift the banded leg upwards, keeping the knee bent at a 90-degree angle.
  • Focus on squeezing the glutes at the top of the movement to maximize muscle activation.
  • Lower the leg back down in a controlled manner without letting it touch the floor to maintain tension in the muscles.
  • Perform this movement for several reps before switching to the other side, ensuring both glutes undergo an intense workout.

Challenge yourself further by holding at peak contraction for a few seconds to deepen muscle engagement.

Remember not to arch your back as you perform kicks; maintain a neutral spine throughout each repetition.

10. Clamshell

A set of resistance bands arranged in a clamshell shape, with 12 labeled exercises surrounding it

Have you considered the clamshell exercise for your glute routine? It’s a fantastic way to focus on those hips and particularly target the gluteus medius.

Plus, it’s a champ for improving hip stability — and who wouldn’t want that?

How To Do

  • Begin by lying on one side with legs stacked and knees bent at a 45 – degree angle. Ensure your hips and shoulders remain aligned vertically to the floor.
  • Place a resistance band just above your knees to add more challenge and effectiveness to the exercise.
  • Keep your feet touching as you raise the upper knee, creating the ‘clamshell’ movement without rotating your hip.
  • Engage your core and breathe consistently, focusing on squeezing your glutes during each lift.
  • Perform multiple repetitions until you feel a burn in your gluteal muscles, signaling muscle activation and strengthening.

Include this exercise in your lower body workouts for improved balance exercises and hip abduction capabilities.

Regular clamshell practice can also contribute to preventing injuries by ensuring that smaller, stabilizing muscles are strong and active.

Supplementing clamshells into routine butt exercises helps in tightening up those muscles often ignored in other workouts.

11. Plank Kickback

Have you ever wanted to fire up your core and glutes with a single, powerful move?

The Plank Kickback does just that! Not only does it sculpt those areas, but it also brings your shoulders and lower back into play.

When you throw a resistance band into the mix, get ready for an extra challenge that reaps impressive results. Ready to give it a go?

How To Do

  • Begin in a plank position, ensuring that shoulders are stacked over wrists and your body forms a straight line from head to heels.
  • Secure a looped mini band around your lower thighs, just above your knees, to add resistance.
  • Tighten your abs and squeeze your glutes to maintain form throughout the exercise.
  • Lift one leg up towards the ceiling while keeping the knee bent at 90 degrees; this movement should be driven by your glutes.
  • Avoid lifting your hips too high or letting them sag; control is key for muscle targeting.
  • Slowly bring the lifted leg back down to the starting position without letting it rest on the floor for maximum tension.
  • Keep alternating legs for a set number of reps or duration, typically between 10 – 15 reps per side or 30 seconds each.

Why is this exercise so good for you?

  • Targets multiple muscle groups
  • Enhances stability and balance
  • Can be done anywhere with just your body and a band

Your plank kickback may start off wobbly, but don’t let that discourage you. With practice, you’ll build the stability and strength that make this exercise a glute- and core-blazing hero in your workout routine.

12. Sumo Squat

Why Sumo Squats? Isn’t it great when you can work multiple muscle groups at once?

That’s the magic of Sumo Squats – not only do they target your glutes, but they also call in reinforcements from your quads and inner thighs.

And when you throw a resistance band into the mix? You’re really in for a treat!

How To Do

  • Stand with your feet wider than shoulder-width apart, toes pointing slightly outwards, akin to a sumo wrestler’s stance.
  • Secure a resistance band under both feet and hold it with both hands at chest level to add tension.
  • Begin by squatting down, keeping your back straight and chest up while pressing your knees out to maintain form.
  • Engage your quads firmly as you lower yourself into a deep squat until your thighs are parallel to the floor.
  • Focus on glute activation as you push through your heels to rise back up to the starting position.
  • Perform the movement explosively yet controlled, optimizing muscular strength with each rep.

The wide stance of the sumo squat specifically targets thigh slimming by working both inner and outer muscles.

Incorporate resistance training with this exercise to challenge and further build endurance in the involved muscle groups.

Proper engagement during this explosive movement will not only sculpt glutes but also fortify core stability.


Resistance band exercises are a stellar addition to your glute training program. They’re dynamic, accessible, and effective for stimulating muscle growth and strength.

Remember, technique is vital! To see those gains, make sure you’re doing each exercise with proper form—it’s the secret sauce to activating those glutes.

Unlock the potential of your glutes with the versatility and effectiveness of resistance band training today!

12 Best Resistance Band Glute Exercises

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