Does Creatine Make Your Face Fat?

Does Creatine Make Your Face Fat

Does creatine make your face fat? These are some of the common queries that fitness enthusiasts look for, especially those new to the world of supplements.

Creatine is a common supplement that many bodybuilders and athletes use to increase muscle and improve performance.

However, facial bloating associated with creatine has been a significant concern in the fitness world.

This post explores the relationship between creatine and facial appearance. Understanding their connection will help you make an informed decision on whether or not you need this popular supplement.

Does Creatine Make Your Face Puffy?

To address this question, you need to understand the science behind how creatine works in your body. And if there is any kind of implication on face swelling.

When you take creatine as a supplement, it causes water retention. This happens in your muscle cells.

It is called creatine loading. Moreover, users will experience initial weight gain because of creatine loading.

But creatine doesn’t target the facial tissues. Nor does it make your face accumulate a lot of fat.

Instead, facial bloating is because of water retention. It has no connection with increasing facial fat.

Apart from that, it is worth knowing that the effect varies from one person to another. Some users may report noticeable changes. Whereas others experience nothing at all.

What Is The Myth About Creatine Making Your Face Fat?

Myth About Creatine

A myth surrounding the use of creatine resulting in fat accumulation in the face is common in the fitness world. But it is not true.

However, there are possibilities that creatine leads to water retention if someone takes it too much.

Besides, the myth regarding creatine relates to the fact that it is made of amino acids. They are responsible for producing fat in the body.

While it is partly true, creatine tends to break down in the kidneys and liver. Hence, creatine won’t create fat.

Moreover, it is worth noting that not every kind of fat is harmful. Typically, there are different kinds of fat.

  • Subcutaneous fat – It’s the kind of fat you see around. But they aren’t associated with serious health complications.
  • Visceral fat – Several organs in your body store this kind of fat. Visceral fat can increase the risk of diabetes or heart disease.
  • Brown fat and white fat – While visceral fat possesses health risks, brown fat, and white fat help your body burn calories fast.

Does Creatine Really Make Your Face Bloat?

When you take creatine, the muscles absorb it. Your body stores them as creatine phosphate. As such, your body has a reserve of stored creatine.

Now, this results in a significant increase in water in your body, especially the muscle cells. This is the reason why your muscles appear fuller. In short, you will notice more volume in the muscles.

Also, you may notice an improvement in your facial muscles. Bloating or swelling on the face is a common occurrence due to heavy creatine supplementation.

But, keep in mind that the effect will not stay for a long time. Furthermore, it doesn’t mean that your face gains a substantial amount of fat.

It is due to the increased water content in the muscles that give you the illusion of a puffy face. Nothing is to worry about because fat accumulation on your face will be for a limited timeframe.

What Are The Factors That Impact Facial Bloating?

does creatine make your face fatter

As said earlier, not every person taking creatine will experience facial bloating or swelling. The impact of facial bloating isn’t the same for everyone.

Certain factors influence facial swelling when taking creatine. Let’s understand them in detail.

Duration of Creatine Intake

Facial bloating is a common phenomenon during the early stages of using creatine supplements. The swelling subsides eventually.

Extent of Creatine Dosage

There won’t be issues relating to the accumulation of facial fat when using creatine supplements.

But a higher dosage will increase the chances of facial swelling. Seek recommendations from a professional in this regard.

Consequence of Dehydration

When taking creatine, you should make an effort never to dehydrate your body. You have to stay hydrated adequately. As a result, hydration helps you manage water retention while reducing the chances of facial bloating.

Does Genetics Influence Changes In The Face Due To Creatine Use?

A recent study shows the relation between facial swelling due to creatine use and mutations in thyroid hormone receptors. Higher levels of cholesterol are major concerns.

Still, the importance of genetics in facial changes when using creatine isn’t fully understood.

As it appears, there should be more concrete pieces of evidence that support the relation.

Some people might experience bloating or water retention because of genetic factors. And, it could lead to making their faces look fat when taking creatine supplements.

The role of genetics can’t be ruled out, specifically in how the body metabolizes after using creatine.

Some people may utilize and absorb creatine efficiently which results in more muscle mass with less facial swelling.

How To Manage Facial Swelling When Taking Creatine

Below listed are useful steps you can take to manage the side effects of creatine use.

  • Try to drink at least 8 to 10 glasses of water daily.
  • Eat a balanced diet consisting of vegetables and fruits.
  • Start with a low dose and increase gradually.
  • Monitor changes in your body and consult a doctor immediately if you notice something unusual.
  • If you don’t want swelling, consider taking creatine alternatives. Or, you can choose other forms of creatine such as creatine ethyl ester or creatine citrate.


Creatine can result in face swelling or bloating for some time due to increased water retention.

But it doesn’t cause real fat gain in the face. Moreover, there isn’t enough evidence to show that creatine increases body weight, especially in the face.

Even if you experience a difference in facial appearance, it is temporary. The impact of creatine use varies from one person to another.

The swelling reduces when your body adjusts to creatine. Make sure that you take low dosages.

Creatine is an effective and safe dietary supplement that improves muscle mass and performance. If you have certain health conditions, seek help from a healthcare professional before using creatine.

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