Is It Good To Do Running After Leg Day?

Is It Good To Do Running After Leg Day

Many people still forget to target their legs with separate workouts. As they saying goes, “never skip a leg day”, they should be an integral part of your routine.

You will avoid having the so-called chicken legs, which has become one of the clichés of the fitness industry.

But above all, you’re missing on the crucial benefits of leg workouts for both your body and your mind.

But one question that arises is whether it is good to do running after leg day. It’s a nagging question because some argue it can hurt your gains, while others believe running has many benefits.

Running After Leg Day Impact Training?

Knowing how running can impact your gym performance is crucial. So the truth really lies somewhere in between.

Running can be good for you after leg day, but there are some factors that make it potentially bad.

If done correctly, running will have many benefits for your mind and body alike. But if done incorrectly, it can severely impact your performance in the gym and your gains as a consequence.

As with many things, there is no black and white answer to this question. Research suggests that just as running can decrease your gym performance.

So it’s really about keeping the right balance between running and your leg workouts.

Going for a run after leg day can have many benefits. It boosts your recovery, decreases your body fat, and keeps you much healthier, both mentally and physically.

On the other hand, going too hard on running can seriously impede your performance in the gym, cause injuries, and make your recovery last longer.

Benefits of Running After Leg Days

aerobic exercise cardio running

First of all, let’s look at the benefits of running after your leg days, and see how they can boost your overall health.

These benefits can let you decide whether you want to go running after the leg day or not.

  • Running Will Help You Lose Body Fat

One of the most important benefits of running is that you can easily lose body fat with it.

All you need is 70-150 minutes of running per week, or maybe more if you’re more of an athletic type.

But there is no denying that running or other cardiovascular exercises, for that matter, can help you keep your body fat percentage low.

If you want to constantly have the body fat percentage between 10-15%, then running is a no-brainer.

Your metabolic rate will increase, and that’s a factor that will deplete your glycogen reserves.

  • Boost In Recovery

It might be somewhat counter-intuitive to say that running after leg days can boost your recovery.

But the fact of the matter is that if done right and in moderation, it can be extremely beneficial for recovery.

Running will increase blood circulation in your leg muscles, which will help your muscles to more supply oxygen and nutrients.

And this means that your muscles will recover much better. Additionally, due to this factor, the toxins that gather in your legs will be gone.

So running can have a very beneficial effect on your legs if done right of course.

  • Keeps You Healthy

Scientific research shows that running can have several benefits on your body and mind if done in moderation.

First of all, you’ll catch some vitamin D, which is an important factor that keeps us more healthy. Running will improve your body overall, as it will make it more mobile and agile.

It’s a well-known factor that the gym can make your muscles tense and as a result, you’ll become less flexible.

But running will also have beneficial effects on your mind. It can help with several mental problems such as depression and anxiety.

You’ll get a boost of endorphins after running, which will make you feel satisfied after you finish your run. Doesn’t it just feel good when you know you’ve done something good for your body?

Cons Of Running After Leg Day

Cons Of Running After Leg Day

There are factors that make running a negative thing and potentially even harmful. Here are some cons of running after the gym.

  • It Can Impact Your Gym Performance

This study investigated how running can have a bad effect on your overall performance in the gym. It suggests that running can significantly impair your performance.

Especially if there is little time difference between the running and your gym session, or if you go for a run before the gym session. Keeping at least 9 hours between running and gym is for the best in this case.

Your body needs time to recover. Going for a run straight after leg day can impact its ability to recover.

So when you do the gym the next day, you will feel too tired, and maybe that’s because the body was unable to recover.

  • It Can Cause Injuries

Running after leg day can severely impact your tendons, muscles, and joints. These will already be stressed out after leg day, and running will put additional stress on them.

So if you want to keep your joints healthy, avoid going for run, or do it, but slightly more reserved.

  • Running Can Impede Your Recovery

Your body needs time to repair its muscles. And your leg muscles will already be impacted by the gym session you’ve just done. And with running, you’re putting additional stress on them.

This is where too much running will impede the recovery of your leg muscles. They will need at least 24 hours for recovery, and when you go for a run, even more than that.

Tips For Running After Leg Day

There are some things you can do to incorporate running into your leg routine successfully. Here are some good tips to help you with runs after leg sessions.

  • Make sure there’s enough time between your run and your next gym session. Having at least 9 hours to let your body recover is crucial as it will help you maintain your levels in the gym. So if you go running in the evening and you intend to have an early morning session, expect your performance to be hindered.
  • Don’t go too hard with runs. Some people suggest that 150 minutes of running weekly is enough to keep you healthy and lean. If you want more than that, that’s fine. But know that you’re running the risk of injuries as your joints and muscles will be put under even more stress.
  • Allow your legs at least 48 hours after leg day and running. Sometimes, your legs will need even more, especially if you go running for longer. If you do sprints, it can take even 72 hours of recovery.

Bottom Line

The answer to the question is the following: running after leg day is good, but only if done right. This means that you’ll need to keep a good balance between leg days, gym sessions, and your run.

Make sure there are at least 9 hours between your run and next gym session. Also, make sure there are at least 48 hours between your leg days when you go running after leg day.

If done right, running can have several benefits for your mind and body. If done wrong, it can harm your muscles and joints, and impede your performance in the gym.

Keeping the balance is crucial for getting the benefits of runs after leg days.

Is It Good To Do Running After Leg Day

Is It Good To Do Running After Leg Day?

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