Is It Bad To Take Pre Workout Everyday?

Is It Bad To Take Pre Workout Everyday

If you are into strength-training workouts or high-intensity exercises, then you have likely heard of pre-workout supplements and how they can boost your endurance.

However, before you start taking any energy-boosting supplements, there are certain details you need to get clear.

For instance, can you take pre workout everyday? What are pre-workout supplements made of? Are pre-workouts good for your health? Do pre-workout supplements have any side effects? Will pre-workout supplements help you reach your fitness goals faster?

Are you planning to take pre workout every day? If you are, let’s find the answers to the above questions and learn more about pre-workout supplements.

What Are Pre-Workout Supplements Made Of?

take pre workout everyday

Although different pre-workout supplements may have varying ingredients, there are common ingredients in most pre-workout formulas.

We recommend researching the specific ingredients in a pre-workout formula before taking it so that you can select the best supplement for your fitness goals.

Some of the most common pre-workout formula ingredients include:


Caffeine is a major ingredient in pre-workout supplements because it helps to boost your energy levels.

In fact, caffeine is one of the reasons why most pre-workout supplements are effective in improving one’s performance.

The amount of caffeine in the supplements ranges from 150mg to 300mg per serving. This amount is equal to consuming three cups of coffee.

If you are caffeine sensitive, therefore, ensure to check the amount of caffeine in a pre-workout supplement before taking it.


The supplements may also contain nitrate salts, which change into nitric oxide after ingestion.

Nitrate oxide aids in improving your blood circulation to ensure that blood rich in oxygen reaches your heart during exercise.

As a result, your body is able to use oxygen efficiently, thus boosting your endurance as you work out.

B Vitamins

Most pre-workout supplements contain vitamins B3 and B12 to improve the metabolism of carbohydrates, proteins, and fats in your body.

Additionally, B vitamins are essential in increasing energy levels during workouts.


Creatine is produced in the kidneys and liver as an organic compound, which converts into ATP (adenosine triphosphate) during an intense workout.

As a result, your body generates its energy from the ATP, especially during high-intensity exercises.

Pre-workout supplements contain creatine, which increases creatine levels in your body, improving your duration, strength, intensity, and muscle-building during workouts.


Beta-alanine is an ingredient that allows your muscles to buffer when doing intense exercises.

It is an amino acid (non-essential) that works to reduce muscle fatigue by increasing the concentration of carnosine in your body.

Carnosine is a natural antioxidant compound that decreases muscle inflammation.

Is It Okay To Take Pre Workout Everyday?

Is It Okay To Take Pre Workout Everyday

No. You should not take pre workout everyday because they are unregulated. Moreover, they come with side effects such as insomnia.

If you work out once a week or once a month, then taking a pre-workout supplement each time before your exercise is harmless.

However, if you hit the gym 5 to 7 times a week, then we recommend being cautious with how much supplement you consume.

If you exercise regularly, ensure that you do not take pre-workout supplements more than 5 times a week.

Moreover, make sure that you take a break from the supplements after every 6 to 8 consecutive weeks. This will ensure that you meet your physique goals without becoming dependent on the supplement.

Signs To Watch Out For When Taking Pre-Workout Supplements

If you experience any of the signs below, then you need to cut back or stop taking pre-workout supplements.

Jitteriness and Crashing

As mentioned earlier, some pre-workout supplements have high amounts of caffeine.

One of the side effects of taking too much caffeine is feeling jittery, which is always followed by a huge decrease in energy levels.

If you start noticing that you feel unusually low on energy every time the pre-workout supplement wears off, then you should stop taking the supplement.

Extreme jitteriness followed by a drop in energy levels is dangerous for people with cardiovascular medical conditions.


Another warning sign of taking too much pre-workout formula is when your sleep pattern becomes affected.

For instance, if you struggle to sleep on days when you take the supplement, your body might be getting slower at processing the caffeine in the pre-workout supplement.

Little to no sleep combined with high-intensity workouts can lead to dangerous fatigue.

If the pre-workout supplement is affecting your sleep, therefore, we recommend foregoing it or using other supplements that contain less caffeine.

Your Body Is Dependent On the Supplement

Although the pre-workout supplement boosts your performance and stamina during a workout, you should also be able to function normally without the supplement during exercise.

If you constantly feel dependent on the supplement such that it’s impossible to do a normal workout routine without it, then you need to stop your intake and give your body time to adapt.

Though the supplement ingredients may be harmless, taking too much of them routinely may lead to dependence.

Are There Side Effects Of Taking Pre-Workout?

can you take pre workout everyday

Yes. Since different pre-workout formulas have different ingredients, the side effects of each supplement may vary.

Some of the most common side effects of taking too much pre-workout supplements include:

High Intake of Sugar

One of the health culprits of pre-workout supplements is the high amount of sugar they contain.

If you have sugar-related blood illnesses, such as diabetes, then pre-workout supplements may be dangerous to your health.

Moreover, you may experience bloating as a result of high carbohydrate intake. To minimize the adverse effects of supplements on your health, we recommend taking sugar-free pre-workouts.

Skin Irritation

Another common side effect of using pre-workout supplements is skin irritation in the form of itchiness, rashes, or flushing.

Supplements that contain niacin are likely to cause skin flushing while supplements containing beta-alanine may lead to skin paresthesia.

Increased Heart Rate

Ingesting large amounts of pre-workout supplements with caffeine increases your heart rate, which may trigger jitteriness or anxiety.

Moreover, increased heart pounding can be fatal for people with underlying heart conditions.


A survey carried out in 2019 on more than 850 individuals revealed that 25% of people experienced nausea after taking pre-workout supplements.

This is because caffeine is likely to irritate the stomach lining if taken on an empty stomach.

Are Non-Stimulant Pre-Workout Supplements Better?

A non-stimulant formula does not contain caffeine or any other energy stimulants. Rather, non-stimulant supplements contain electrolytes, vitamins, amino acids, creatine, and minerals.

People with caffeine sensitivity and cardiovascular conditions, therefore, should consider taking non-stimulant pre-workout supplements.

The Right Way to Take Pre-Workout Supplements

Before you add a pre-workout supplement to your routine:

  • Consult With Your Dietician

Since pre-workout supplements contain different ingredients, ensure that you consult with a dietician first to learn of their potential side effects.

The doctor will let you know if your health allows you to rely on certain types of supplements during exercise or whether the side effects may be fatal to you.

  • Know When To Take The Supplements

Make sure that you take pre-workout supplements at least 15 to 30 minutes before working out.


Pre-workout supplements will help you attain your workout goals if you take them as recommended. Most importantly, do not take pre-workout every day.

Additionally, take the supplements no more than five times a week if you exercise regularly to avoid becoming dependent on them.

Although the FDA has not approved pre-workout supplements, you should be safe taking them as long as you consult with your physician first to check for any underlying health issues.

We also recommend taking non-stimulant pre-workout formulas so that you can reap the benefits of the supplement without becoming dependent on caffeine.

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