How Many Sets And Reps Of Deadlifts Should You Do?

How Many Sets and Reps Of Deadlifts Should You Do

Deadlifts are an essential exercise for anyone looking to improve their strength, muscle mass, and overall fitness.

As a compound movement, they work multiple muscle groups simultaneously, engaging the hamstrings, glutes, lats, traps, rear delts, and more.

But how many sets and reps of deadlifts should you be doing to maximize your gains and achieve your fitness goals?

The answer to that question depends on various factors such as your training goals, experience level, and individual body type.

In this article, we will dive into these factors to help you determine the ideal number of deadlift sets and reps for your specific needs and objectives.

What Muscles Do Deadlifts Work?

Deadlifts are an incredible compound exercise that work a variety of muscles throughout your body.

When you perform a deadlift, your primary muscles involved are your glutes, hamstrings, and lower back. Additionally, secondary muscles like the quadriceps, lats, traps, and forearms also play essential roles.

The deadlift targets different muscle groups depending on the specific variation you choose.

For example, using a narrower stance can shift the focus of your deadlift to your quadriceps, while a wider stance may emphasize your hamstrings and glutes.

By changing your deadlift style, you can place a greater emphasis on a specific set of muscles and adjust your workout to reach personal goals.

Not only do deadlifts help build muscle and strength, but they also improve performance in other exercises and sports that demand power from your major muscles.

For instance, a strong deadlift can benefit your performance in sports like basketball and soccer, where your legs, core, and back play essential roles.

Additionally, deadlifts can increase your power output in exercises such as squats and kettlebell swings, where many of the same muscle groups are utilized.

How Many Sets Of Deadlifts Should You Do?

how many sets of deadlifts should i do

Determining the number of sets for your deadlift routine depends on your training goals and level.

For Strength Training

Strength training involves lifting heavy weights for low reps (1-5) with long rest periods (3-5 minutes).

In this case, fewer sets of deadlifts (1-3) per session are recommended to avoid overtraining and fatigue. Popular strength training programs that use low sets of deadlifts include 5/3/1 and Starting Strength.

For Hypertrophy

Hypertrophy focuses on increasing muscle size by lifting moderate weights for higher reps (6-12) with shorter rest periods (1-2 minutes).

Hypertrophy training requires more sets of deadlifts (3-5) per session to induce more muscle damage and growth. Examples of hypertrophy training programs with higher deadlift sets include PHAT and PHUL.

For Beginners

Beginners are defined as those with less than 6 months of consistent lifting experience or who are unfamiliar with proper deadlift technique.

As a beginner, you should start with low sets of deadlifts (1-2) per session to learn the movement pattern and avoid injury. Make sure to:

  • Use a neutral spine.
  • Keep the bar close to your body.
  • Drive through your heels.

Consider trying beginner-friendly deadlift variations such as trap bar deadlifts and kettlebell deadlifts.

For Intermediate Lifters

Intermediate lifters have more than 6 months of consistent lifting experience and have mastered basic deadlift technique.

You can increase your sets of deadlifts (2-4) per session for continued progress. To vary the intensity and volume of deadlifts, consider:

  • Different rep ranges.
  • Percentages.
  • Tempo.

Intermediate-level deadlift variations, such as sumo deadlifts and Romanian deadlifts, can also be added to your routine.

For Advanced Lifters

Advanced lifters have more than 2 years of consistent lifting experience and have reached a high level of strength and skill in deadlifting.

You can experiment with the number of deadlift sets (3-6) per session to optimize performance and avoid plateaus. To periodize and cycle deadlifts, consider:

  • Different phases
  • Blocks
  • Waves

Advanced-level deadlift variations, such as snatch grip deadlifts, rack pulls, and deficit deadlifts, can further challenge and develop your skills.

How Much Rest Should You Get Between Deadlift Sets?

How Much Rest Should You Get Between Deadlift Sets

The amount of rest you should get between deadlift sets depends largely on your training goals.

If strength building is your primary goal, resting for 2-5 minutes between sets allows your muscles to recover enough to lift heavy weights again.

This extended break ensures that you can maintain proper form and minimise the risk of injury.

For those focusing on mass building or hypertrophy, shorter rest periods may be more beneficial.

Resting for 30 seconds to 2 minutes prompts a decent volume of work in a short period, thereby inducing greater muscle fatigue – an effective catalyst for growth.

Endurance athletes often prefer even shorter breaks. Waiting just 30 seconds or less before jumping back into another set can help improve stamina over time.

For comprehensive sessions involving several major lifts, some weightlifters find that taking up to ten minute rests can aid recovery significantly.

Your optimal rest time really depends on your own body’s recovery abilities and the intensity of your workout routine; it’s about striking a balance where muscle tension remains but exhaustion doesn’t take over.

Over time through trial and assessment, you’ll fine-tune the perfect pause length aligning with both effectiveness and safety factors duringyour weightlifting ventures.

What Type Of Deadlifts Should You Do?

There are different types of deadlifts with various advantages and disadvantages.

In this section, we will explore several deadlift variations and the muscles they emphasize.

Regular Deadlift

The regular deadlift requires a full-body workout, engaging multiple major muscle groups. It’s an optimal choice for strength training and muscle building due to its compound exercise nature.

The technique involves holding the weight in your hands and standing straight up by pushing through your heels while keeping your back flat. This form is crucial as it ensures effective resistance training while reducing risk of injury.

As a beginner, start with light weights performing three to four sets of six to eight reps until you master the proper lifting form before adding more weight.


  • Builds overall strength and mass
  • Easy to learn and perform
  • Suitable for most goals and levels


  • Can tax on the lower back
  • Limited by grip strength
  • Can hard to maintain proper form at higher weights

Sumo Deadlift

The sumo deadlift is a powerful variation of the traditional deadlift that effectively targets your quads, glutes, and inner thighs.

Its unique stance allows for an extra focus on these muscle groups, which might be just what you need to bolster your lower body training routine.

Approaching the sumo deadlift requires a different technique compared to other deadlift types. Start with lighter weights and fewer reps – about 4-6 sets of 2-4 reps each. This helps perfect your form before progressing further.

Once you’ve got the hang of it, consider incorporating the sumo deadlift as a primary lift in your workout regimen, gradually adding more weight over time.

With consistent practice and correct form, this variation promises not only increased lower body strength but also improved hip mobility and enhanced grip strength.


  • Allows more weight to be lifted
  • Easier on the lower back
  • Better for taller or longer-limbed lifters


  • Harder on the hips and knees
  • Less effective for building overall strength and mass
  • Harder to set up and balance

Romanian Deadlift

Romanian deadlifts, also known as RDLs, excel at building bigger muscles because of the constant tension they put on them.

These exercises strengthen your core area along with glutes and hamstrings – perfect for bringing more power to your lower body workouts.

Starting out with lighter weights such as 10 or 15 lbs is ideal since proper form in execution is crucial.

Strengthening hamstrings isn’t an easy task but romanian deadlifts manage to do it effectively, making them a valuable addition to your exercise routine.

Furthermore, you can pair this variation with conventional deadlifts within the same workout for comprehensive strength training.


  • Improves hamstring flexibility and strength
  • Enhances posterior chain development
  • Suitable for higher reps and lower weights


  • Challenging on grip strength
  • Risky for those with lower back issues
  • Difficult to control the descent

Snatch Grip Deadlift

Snatch grip deadlift builds your power and strength from the ground up. Keeping a wider-than-usual grip, you engage more muscles in your upper back.

This variation sharpens thoracic spine extension as well, thanks to isometric trapezius training.

It dives deeper than regular deadlifts – firing up hips, lats, and hamstrings for comprehensive workouts.

You might heave less weight with a snatch grip but it ramps up leg activity significantly by pulling glutes and hamstrings into play.

If you’re seeking to enhance forearm and hand strength too, snatch grip delivers by demanding superior control over the wide bar hold.


  • Develops upper back thickness and stability
  • Improves grip strength and endurance
  • Transfers well to Olympic lifts


  • Requires more mobility and flexibility in shoulders and wrists
  • Limits the amount of weight that can be lifted
  • Can cause more fatigue and soreness

Rack Pulls

Rack pulls are performed by lifting the barbell from a rack or blocks set above knee level to hip level with any grip or stance.

This variation reduces the range of motion and allows more weight to be lifted with less stress on the lower body.


  • Strengthens the lockout portion of the deadlift
  • Overloads the upper back, traps, and forearms
  • Boosts confidence and motivation


  • Can create an imbalance in strength and development between the lower and upper body
  • Can be noisy and annoying for others in the gym
  • Hard to find a suitable rack or blocks

Deficit Deadlift

The deficit deadlift is performed by lifting the barbell from the floor while standing on a raised platform (such as a plate or box), increasing the range of motion with any grip or stance.

It will increase the difficulty and challenges of the lower body, especially the quads and glutes.


  • Improves starting strength and explosiveness
  • Enhances lower body development and power
  • Transfers well to regular deadlifts


  • Requires more mobility and flexibility in hips and ankles
  • Limits the amount of weight that can be lifted
  • Can risky for those with lower back issues

Factors That Influence the Number of Sets For Deadlifts

Factors That Influence the Number of Sets For Deadlifts

In addition to your goals and experience level, there are other factors to consider when deciding how many sets of deadlifts to include in your workout.

Let’s explore some of these factors and how they impact your decision:

Training regime

Your training regime directly influences the number of sets you should perform in your deadlift routine.

Unsurprisingly, beginners starting their journey in strength training should stick with a lower volume, around 2-3 sets of 12 or more reps per session.

As one progresses to intermediate and advanced stages, the number of sets can increase for optimal muscle engagement and strength gains.

These experienced lifters might find that performing up to 10-15 sets per week yields optimal results.

However, remember it’s vital to monitor progress and adjust accordingly – not every athlete will respond identically to the same regime.

Endurance athletes may require a different approach too; they often reap benefits from higher rep ranges, typically between 12 to 20 or even more with shorter rest periods in between sets for sustained intensity throughout their workout.

Rep Ranges

Understanding rep ranges is crucial in your strength training for deadlifts. If you’re aiming for muscle growth, or hypertrophy, you might find a range of 6-8 repetitions beneficial.

This modest rep count allows for substantial weight lifting while still promoting muscular development and enhanced power output. On the other hand, if endurance is your goal, higher reps with lighter weights will be more appropriate.

However, keep in mind that high-rep deadlift training demands careful programming to avoid injury risks.

Beginners are often recommended to start within a safe bracket of 6 to 10 reps per set before gradually increasing their numbers as they gain proficiency and strength over time.

Deadlift Frequency In The Week

Balancing deadlift frequency per week is pivotal to your training regime.

Deadlifting twice a week emerges as a good rule of thumb for many fitness enthusiasts, providing ample workout intensity without overwhelming recovery time.

Adapting the number of sessions based on fitness level can significantly assist in optimising muscle growth.

Beginners might find deadlifting once or twice a week beneficial, while advanced lifters may increase their threshold by focusing on one deadlift movement 2 to 4 times a week.

The key lies in aligning your exercise routine with your individual training goals and capabilities.

Maintaining proper form

To execute deadlifts safely and efficiently, it’s crucial to prioritize maintaining proper form.

Good form not only helps you target the right muscle groups but also prevents injury associated with incorrect technique.

A solid starting point involves positioning your feet hip-width apart, hinging at the hips while keeping a straight back, and engaging the core throughout the lift.

Be sure to monitor weight increments carefully; progressing gradually allows for an optimal balance between strength buildup and safety measures.

If fatigue compromises your form, halt the set even if you haven’t reached failure – pushing through could lead to unnecessary strain or injury.

Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked Questions About Deadlifts

Should I increase the number of reps or weight for my deadlift workouts over time?

Yes, it’s beneficial to gradually increase either your weights or the number of repetitions to make continuous progress in your workouts.

Is overdoing sets and reps in a single session harmful while performing deadlifts?

Yes, practicing too many sets and repetitions without proper rest can lead to muscle fatigue and risk injury during lifting

Can I mix different rep ranges within my deadlifting routine?

Yes! Mixing different rep ranges into your training program can be very effective for overall strength and muscular development.

How many reps per set are recommended for deadlifts?

When performing deadlifts, it’s common to perform between 1 and 15 repetitions per set, depending on your goals.

For strength development, it’s advisable to stick to lower rep ranges (1-6) performed at a higher weight (above 81% of your one repetition max).

For muscular endurance, consider higher rep ranges (8-15 or more) at a lower weight.

How does deadlift volume vary for mass vs. strength?

When focusing on building mass or muscle hypertrophy, a moderate rep range of 8-12 repetitions per set with a moderate to heavy weight is generally recommended.

For strength gains, lower rep ranges (1-6) with heavier weights (above 81% of your one repetition max) are typically more effective.

Is 5 Sets Of Deadlifts Too Much?

Five sets of deadlifts can be appropriate, depending on your goals, training volume, and recovery capacity.

If you can perform 5 sets with good form while still allowing sufficient time for recovery, it’s not too much.

Remember, it’s essential to listen to your body and make adjustments as needed.

How does the choice of deadlift variation affect sets and reps?

The choice of deadlift variation can affect the number of sets and reps you perform.

Variations such as trap bar deadlifts, sumo deadlifts, and Romanian deadlifts can have different demands on your body.

Select a variation that aligns with your goals and adjust the sets and reps accordingly.

How often should you perform deadlifts in a week?

Some people deadlift once a week, while others can handle multiple sessions. A common approach is to deadlift 1-2 times per week. It’s essential to balance frequency with adequate rest and recovery.

How Can I Increase The Number Of Sets Over Time?

To increase the number of sets over time, you should follow a progressive overload approach.

Gradually increase your deadlift volume, such as adding extra sets or increasing the weight periodically.

Ensure you’re still maintaining proper form and allowing enough time for recovery. Tracking your progress and adjusting your program based on your goals and performance can help you achieve success.


So, you’ve made it this far and are eager to implement deadlifts into your training routine. The number of sets and reps for deadlifts depends on your own goals and athletic level.

If your aim is to develop maximal strength, try focusing on 2-6 sets with 6 or fewer reps while lifting above 81% of your one repetition max.

For those looking to improve strength safely with similar results, opt for 3-4 sets of 1-3 repetitions at 80-90% of your near maximum load or 3-6 sets at 70% capacity.

Remember, safety should always come first! Avoid overloading the barbell and maintain proper technique, as this is crucial for preventing injuries and ensuring effective muscle engagement.

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