Bench pressing is one of the most loved bodyweight exercises among weightlifters. But, how many calories do you burn when you bench press?
The exact number of calories you burn during a bench press exercise depends on your body weight and how intensely you’re lifting.
This exercise is common even among fat people who want to burn extra fat. However, knowing how many calories you burn when you bench press is important so that you can monitor your weight loss journey.
This article will help you understand how many calories get burned during a bench press.
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The Calories Burned Depend On Your Weight
The bench press is a great way to burn calories, as it helps you create more muscle mass and burn fat. It is also a great way to strength train, which can help you reach your weight loss goals in a short time.
Combining bench press with other exercises, bodyweight workouts, and cardio strength training will help you burn more calories than free weight exercises alone.
How Many Calories do you Lose in 30 Minutes
Depending on your weight, gender, and other personal factors, weightlifting can help you burn an average of around 250 calories in 30 minutes.
The number of calories you burn will depend on the amount of time you spend lifting weights and the amount of weight you are lifting.
For example, if a person weighs 200 pounds and does lower body exercises for 30 minutes, they could potentially burn up to 250 calories. This number may vary depending on individual circumstances.
Generally speaking, an average person can expect to burn around 2-3 calories per minute when doing bench presses with different weights.
It is also important to consider your body weight; a heavier person will burn more calories than a lighter one.
Importance of Bench Press
Weight lifting is not only beneficial for improving muscular strength but is also an important factor in weight loss and muscle growth.
Utilizing bench press is an ideal exercise to help you achieve your goals. Bench pressing will help you build muscle, tone your body, and increase your cardiovascular health while burning calories.
After you finish bench pressing, the calories that you have burned during that time will still keep burning even after you have stopped exercising.
An example of this would be step aerobics or elliptical machines, as they keep your body moving and still burn calories even after you have stopped.
One of the key benefits of weight lifting is that it requires more muscle activation than other exercises, leading to more muscle efficiencies and repair.
This means that you can gain metabolism long-term, as your body uses energy to repair and build muscles.
Weight lifting also occurs in less prolonged aftereffects than other exercises, as your body only uses energy when you are actually lifting weights.
Depending on how much weight you’re lifting, the number of reps and your metabolism, bench press can help you burn anywhere from 200 to 400 calories in one session.
By increasing your reps and pushing yourself with a fast-paced burned tempo, you can target your outer thighs and enhance your results.
A short bodyweight workout will help improve muscle endurance, allowing the body to burn more calories at rest.
To maximize calorie burn while doing bench press exercises, it’s important to increase the intensity of each set or rep by utilizing a slow tempo or resting for shorter durations between sets.
Doing this will not only help tone your muscles but also increase endurance and keep your metabolism running faster than usual.
Combining Cardio and Bench Press To Burn Calories
If you’re trying to burn enough calories to lose about 10 pounds, a 125-pound person would need to create a 500-calorie deficit every day.
Bench pressing alone won’t be enough to reach that goal, however, incorporating extra cardio into your typical exercise regimen and adjusting your diet will help you lose about one pound per week.
According to Harvard Health, if a 125-pound person bench presses for an hour at a moderate intensity, they can expect to burn around 180 – 360 calories.
If the same person increases their intensity while bench pressing, they can expect their calorie burn rate to increase significantly.
A half-hour of several workouts can help you burn around some calories, depending on their intensity and your weight.
As you pick an exercise, ensure it’s one you can do in a short time and intensely. For example, you could start with walking, biking, running, and step aerobics.
For gym newbies or people who only have time to work out for a short time, there are other options, such as strength training and Pilates.
Are There Risks of Too Much Exercise?
Definitely, even professional gym experts advise that everyone should exercise moderately.
There are many risks involved with excessive exercise, especially if you’re starting. Some of the risks include joint pain, general fatigue, heart disease, and strokes.
Telling if you’ve reached your limit while exercising can be difficult, so it’s advisable you talk to your doctor. Also, never increase your exercise intensity beyond what your body can handle.
Another important tip is that whenever you experience any pain or discomfort as you exercise, stop immediately.
You should also take plenty of energy drinks and water to refuel your body during the exercise.
Final Thoughts
As you start your bench press routine, have guidance from an experienced person. It would be best if you got assistance from a personal trainer who’s familiar with biometrics.
In doing so, you’ll be sure your routine will be burning calories maximally without exposing you to any risks.
When combined, strength training will help you improve muscle tone while building your endurance. On the other hand, Pilates will get your body toned without requiring you to use weights.
Lastly, if you prefer working out at home, or don’t have enough equipment, pick other intense exercises such as pushups and squats. By doing these exercises, you’ll achieve your fitness goals in no time.