It’s true, you can get a little bit further with your workout even without setting goals. It’s true that you can just train yourself so unmotivated and pat yourself hard on the shoulder that you even made it to the gym.
But the final results and improvements would be really unexceptional if you really bring your sporting performance forward with clear goals in the mind.
Setting goals and working towards them is an extremely good form of motivation, not only for your training but in all situations.
But if you don’t choose your goals cleverly, you can get bogged down and what you would like to achieve remains forever far away.
You need something to motivate yourself to reach your workout goals that are why there are many fitness apps on the app store or android that will reward you when your goals. They are just like a sports betting app.
On sports apps, you can bet on some popular games and choose players or a team to bet on. There are many sports betting platforms online to choose from but there is something different in fitness apps.
Here, you have to bet on yourself with real money to reach your fitness goals and on completion of them, you will get money from the pot. But should you bet the actual money on you?
Well, the answer is simply yes, and here are the reasons:
Gives You Clear Goals
Your goals must be clearly stated. No room for interpretation. Neither you nor anyone else. It must be clear from the start when you have reached your goal.
When you have placed the real money, you need to focus on your goals, or else you will lose it. so be clear about how you want to do it and what things you may need in order to achieve your fitness goals.
So, engaging in putting real money on yourself would give you the real task and you would know what you are doing.
Helps To Take Necessary Measures
Measurability goes hand in hand with uniqueness when setting goals. On the way to your goal, you must be able to keep checking that you are making progress.
This is important so that in an emergency you can change your approach before you waste too much time – change your training plan, eat less, sleep more, get proper diet and nutrition, and whatever is necessary.
Everyone takes things seriously when there is money included so, it will motivate you to take measures.
Increases Workout Plan Gradually
Now it’s getting a little more difficult. You must actually be able to achieve your goals. When you think about it for the first time there is no problem: put five tons of steel over your head with your bare hands?
No one can do that. Not now. Not in 100 years, at least not without technology from a science fiction film.
So, you would be wasting your time massively if you were working towards such a goal. It is simply unrealistic.
Find out what is necessary to achieve your big goal. Make a plan, determine individual levels that you have to climb on the way there and formulate your intermediate goals.
Such a fitness app would guide you and help you with the exercises.
It’s A Real Motivator
Your goal must mean something to you. It has to have real meaning for your training, your sport (or maybe even for your life).
That may sound a little intimidating and eloquent, but it’s a very simple matter. If you are not serious about your goal, you’ll give up when it gets tiring or doesn’t go as well on the way to that goal.
You will lose motivation and money, both things. That’s why betting money on yourself can be a great thing. It motivates you to give everything in training.
Makes You Punctual
When do you want to reach your goal? Fixed deadlines inspire you, put you under pressure, and keep you on course.
Without deadlines, you just mess around, have excuses, and no pressure to actually reach your goal.
So, when you formulate a goal, you should always have a time frame in your head in which you want to work. So, betting on yourself would inspire you to achieve your goals and it’s best to tell others about it and drag them in.
When you compete with your friends or family in the bet, you will try to outrun them and that’s when you can achieve your goals on time.