6 Secrets Long Time Gym Goers Don’t Want To Tell You

Secrets Long Time Gym Goers

Most people have good intentions when they start going to the gym. They want to get in shape and lose weight.

But after a few weeks, or even days, they give up because it’s too hard or it’s not working.

The problem is that most people don’t know how to go to the gym effectively. They try to do too much, too soon, and then they burn out and quit. Or they focus on the wrong things and never see any results.

If you’re one of those people who have been struggling at the gym, or if you’ve been wanting to start going but don’t know where to begin, then this article is for you.

Supplements To The Win

If you want to be successful in your fitness journey, you need to take the right supplements.

This is something that most long-time gym-goers know, but they don’t want to tell you because they don’t want the competition, especially the bodybuilder lot.

There are so many different supplements on the market, and it can be overwhelming to try to figure out which ones you need.

To build muscle and get stronger, you can try bodybuilding supplements, like whey protein and creatine pre-workouts.

And if your goal is to lose weight, you need to focus on supplements that will help you burn fat, like thermogenic and CLA (conjugated linoleic acid).

A good place to start is with a protein powder. Protein is essential for muscle growth, and it can be hard to get enough of it from diet alone. A quality protein powder will help you reach your goals faster.

The best way to figure out which supplements you need is to talk to a trainer or someone who knows about fitness and nutrition. They can help you figure out which supplements will help you reach your goals.

You Need To Train Smarter, Not Harder

lifting heavy weight

One of the biggest mistakes that people make when they start going to the gym is that they try to do too much, too soon.

They think that they need to work out for hours every day and lift heavy weights to see results. But that’s not true.

You don’t have to spend hours at the gym to see results. You might even see better results if you train less.

The key is to focus on quality over quantity. Make sure that you’re doing exercises that are effective and that you’re using the proper form.

If you want to build muscle, lifting heavy weights is important. But you don’t have to lift weights for hours at a time. A good weightlifting routine should only take 30-45 minutes.

The same goes for cardio. If your goal is to lose weight, you need to do cardio. But you don’t have to do hours of it. A good cardio workout should only take 20-30 minutes.

The key is to focus on quality over quantity. If you’re doing the right exercises and using the proper form, you can see results in a shorter amount of time.

Take A Rest

Rest is just as important as exercise when it comes to your fitness journey.

Most people think that they need to exercise every day to see results. But that’s not true. You might see better results if you take a day or two off each week.

When you exercise, you’re putting stress on your body. And your body needs time to recover from that stress. If you don’t give your body enough time to recover, you can hinder your results.

That’s why it’s important to take a day or two off each week. This will allow your body to recover and will help you see better results in the long run.

Don’t Need Expensive Equipment

Most people think that they need to buy expensive workout equipment to see results. But that’s not true. You don’t need the latest and greatest workout equipment to see results.

You might get better results if you use simpler equipment. You don’t need a bunch of fancy machines to get in shape. All you need is a good pair of running shoes and some dumbbells.

Of course, if you want to buy some expensive equipment, that’s fine. But it’s not necessary. You can get in great shape without spending a lot of money on workout equipment.

You Need to Eat Right

 eating healthy foods.

Exercise is important, but it’s not the only factor that determines your results. What you eat plays a big role in your results as well.

If you want to lose weight, you need to focus on eating healthy foods. That means lots of fruits, vegetables, lean protein, and whole grains. And if you want to build muscle, you need to eat foods that are rich in protein.

You also need to make sure that you’re getting enough calories. If you’re not eating enough, you won’t have the energy to work out. And if you’re not working out, you won’t see results.

Eating right is just as important as exercise when it comes to your fitness journey. You can’t out-exercise a bad diet. So if you want to see results, you need to focus on both exercise and nutrition.

Some good and healthy diet includes:

  • Fruits and vegetables (try to eat a variety of colors to get the most nutrients)
  • Lean protein (chicken, fish, turkey, tofu)
  • Whole grains (brown rice, quinoa, oats)
  • Healthy fats (avocado, olive oil, nuts, and seeds)

You Need to Set Realistic Goals

One of the biggest mistakes that people make when they start their fitness journey is setting unrealistic goals.

They think that they need to lose 50 pounds in a month or build 10 pounds of muscle in a week.

But that’s not possible. And when people don’t see results, they get discouraged and give up.

If you want to see results, you need to set realistic goals. For example, a realistic goal for weight loss might be to lose one or two pounds per week. And a realistic goal for muscle gain might be to add one or two pounds of muscle per month.


The key to getting the best results is focusing on quality over quantity. Make sure you’re taking days off each week and eating right, as well as setting realistic goals for yourself when it comes to weight loss or muscle gain.

Not only will these small changes help you see better results in a shorter amount of time but they’ll also keep your journey sustainable in the long term.

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