13 Exercises That Start With A

Exercises That Start With A

Have you ever wondered how starting with the basics can revamp your workout routine?

Jumping into a fitness journey can be daunting, but incorporating a variety of exercises can not only boost your balance and health, it can also make physical activity a fun part of your daily routine.

When considering different exercises, it’s important to choose activities that target diverse muscle groups and align with your fitness goals.

But why stick to conventional routines when you can spice things up? By exploring 13 these exercises that start with the letter ‘A’, you give yourself the opportunity to challenge your body in new and exciting ways.

From dynamic movements that energize your cardio sessions to strength exercises that fortify your muscles, these workouts have it all.

1. Air Squats

This exercise is a form of calisthenics that use your body weight for resistance, focusing on your quadriceps, hamstrings, glutes, and even your core.

So, how do you do an air squat?

  • Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart.
  • Extend your arms straight out in front of you for balance.
  • Keeping your chest up and core engaged, bend at the knees and push your hips back as if you’re sitting on an invisible chair.
  • Lower down until your thighs are at least parallel to the ground, but go further if you can without compromising form.
  • Press through your heels to return to standing.

This exercise isn’t just for your legs; it’s a full-body movement that can:

  • Improve your overall fitness
  • Enhance your core strength and flexibility
  • Act as a foundation for more complex movements like sprints or plyometrics

By performing air squats regularly, you prepare your legs for more advanced plyometric exercises that further build power and speed.

Rigorous training isn’t necessary to see benefits; even seniors can perform air squats to maintain muscle tone and joint flexibility.

For athletes, consistent squatting helps prevent injuries by strengthening stabilizing muscles around the knees and hips.

2. Aztec Push-Ups

Shifting from air squats, which focus on the lower body, let’s turn our attention to Aztec push-ups for an explosive upper-body challenge.

These push-ups take the intensity of a chest workout to new heights with their dynamic movement.

Aztec push-ups are a step up from traditional push-ups because they incorporate a powerful plyometric element that demands muscle coordination and strength.

During an Aztec push-up, you’ll propel your body off the ground, aiming to touch your hands to your feet at the peak of the jump.

This advanced exercise not only targets your chest muscles but also engages your abs, making it an efficient core workout.

Performing these regularly can boost both strength and cardiovascular endurance due to their explosive nature which stimulates fast-twitch muscle fibers.

As a form of intense plyometric pushup, they serve as both a strength training routine and a heart-pumping cardio workout rolled into one high-energy movement.

3. Arm Circles

Arm circles are your go-to move for a dynamic upper-body warmup. They engage multiple muscle groups and get your shoulders ready for action.

Arm Circles boost circulation by moving the blood through your shoulder joints and muscles—ideal for throwing warmups or before tackling upper body exercises.

Start with your feet shoulder-width apart, extend your arms out to the sides until they’re parallel with the floor, then begin making small circles that gradually increase in size for a thorough upper body warmup.

This exercise targets your shoulder muscles, biceps, triceps, and even engages your upper back, contributing to overall muscle strengthening.

Consistent arm rotations can improve joint mobility and help you maintain good range of motion in your shoulders—essential for both athletes and anyone who wants to keep their arms moving smoothly.

Include arm circles at the beginning of an exercise routine to prepare the muscles for more intense activities, reducing the risk of injury by warming up properly.

To add variety to this workout, change direction after several rotations—from clockwise to counter-clockwise—and experience muscle engagement from different angles.

You can also integrate arm circles into a cardio routine by increasing the speed of rotation, thus elevating heart rate and incorporating an aerobic component into this simple shoulder exercise.

4. Archer Pull Ups

Moving beyond the simplicity of arm circles, let’s dive into the more challenging realm of Archer Pull-Ups. These exercises elevate your strength training by targeting specific muscle groups more intensively.

Archer Pull – Ups differ from the classic version because they work various muscles unevenly, making one side push harder.

This exercise requires you to use an overhand grip; as you pull up, one arm remains straight as if shooting an arrow – hence the name.

To perform Archer Pull-Ups effectively:

  • Grip the pull – up bar with hands wider than shoulder width apart.
  • Engage your core and lift your body upwards towards one hand while keeping the other arm extended straight out to the side.
  • As your chin reaches or passes above the bar, focus on pulling with the muscles on the working side of your body.
  • Lower yourself back down slowly and under control before switching to pull towards the opposite hand.
  • Starting with a high towel allows for a modified version that can help build up strength. You can hold onto a towel slung over the bar for support on your weaker side.

When incorporating these into your routine, aim to progressively lower this assistance each time you train. It helps in steadily increasing muscle engagement and developing balanced strength on both sides of your body.

Cross-train with related exercises like one-arm dumbbell rows and neutral-grip pull-ups to further enhance muscle growth and symmetry.

Recognize that due to their difficulty level, Archer Pull-Ups can be quite challenging. Start slow and do not get discouraged if it takes time to progress in this exercise.

5. Aerobic Exercises

Get ready to elevate your heart rate and boost your cardiovascular health with aerobic exercises.

It’s referred to as cardio, these workouts are designed not just for athletes but for everyone looking to improve their endurance and burn calories efficiently.

Engaging in activities like brisk walking, jumping rope, or even fun dance classes can be a great way to incorporate aerobic exercise into your routine.

These physical activities ramp up the oxygen flow throughout your body, essential for a strong metabolism.

Aerobic fitness isn’t just about sweating it out; it’s a pillar of a well-rounded exercise regimen that complements strength training and flexibility work.

You’ll find yourself breathing deeper as you challenge your heart and lungs, pushing them to handle more strenuous activity over time.

This form of low-impact yet pulse-raising workout is key not only in shedding pounds but also in stress reduction, making it an excellent choice for maintaining both mental and physical health.

Embrace the rhythm of aerobic exercises – swim laps at the pool, pedal hard on that bike trail or simply jog through your neighborhood park – each step is toward a fitter you!

6. Abdominal Crunches

Abdominal crunches are a timeless exercise focused on strengthening your core. Known for their effectiveness, they target the abdominal muscles, which are key to good posture and balance.

Here’s how to do it:

  • Lie flat on your back with knees bent and feet planted firmly on the ground.
  • Place hands behind your head or cross them over your chest.
  • Bracing your abs, lift your upper body towards your knees, keeping lower back pressed to the floor.
  • Exhale as you rise up and hold the position briefly at the peak of the contraction.
  • Slowly return to starting position while inhaling deeply.
  • Focus on engaging your core muscles throughout the movement rather than pulling with your neck or shoulders.
  • Aim for controlled movements, avoiding any jerking or momentum that can reduce effectiveness and increase risk of injury.
  • For variety, add twists to target oblique muscles or try different crunch variations like bicycle crunches or vertical leg crunches.

The American Council on Exercise ranked ball crunches high in effectiveness; consider incorporating an exercise ball to challenge stability and engage more muscle fibers.

Keep intensity moderate at first if you’re new to core exercises — quality over quantity ensures better muscle activation and reduces strain.

As you progress, increase repetitions or add resistance like a weight plate on your chest for an added challenge.

7. Arnold press

Shifting from core to shoulders, let’s focus on the Arnold press next. This dynamic movement takes your upper body workout to new heights.

Begin by sitting or standing with a dumbbell in each hand at shoulder level, palms facing you.

As you exhale, press the dumbbells upward while rotating your wrists so that your palms face forward at the peak of the lift.

The Arnold press hits multiple shoulder muscles simultaneously, including the anterior, medial, and posterior deltoids.

Your triceps are also engaged as you extend your arms, giving them a solid workout.

Incorporate this exercise into your routine for comprehensive shoulder development and upper body strength enhancement.

Unlike standard shoulder presses, the Arnold press requires a twisting motion which activates more muscle fibers across the shoulder girdle.

This compound movement offers both muscle-building and functional benefits as it mimics natural movement patterns.

Don’t rush; perform the exercise with controlled movements to maximize shoulder muscle activation and reduce injury risk.

Aim for 3 sets of 8–12 reps as part of an overall upper body or shoulder-specific workout plan.

8. Arm Raises

Arm raises are like a friendly wave to your shoulder muscles, saying, “Hey, let’s get stronger!”

But instead of a casual greeting, think of them as a focused exercise targeting your shoulders and improving your upper body’s dynamism.

How to Perform Arm Raises:

  • Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart.
  • Keep your core engaged and your back straight.
  • Extend your arms straight out in front of you at shoulder level.
  • Slowly lift them upwards until they’re pointing to the ceiling.
  • Lower them back to shoulder level and repeat.

Why You Should Do Them:

  • Enhances shoulder flexibility
  • Helps prevent stiffness
  • Actively relieves tension after long periods at a desk
  • Tips to Level Up Your Arm Raises:

Aim to raise your arms either to shoulder level or, to really challenge yourself, all the way up.

Feel adventurous? Add some light weights or slip on stretchy resistance bands to give those muscles an extra friendly nudge. Remember, keeping your form on point is crucial.

9. Ab Rollouts

Ab Rollouts are a powerhouse move for your core, taking strength training to the next level. Not only do they carve your abs, but they also engage muscles from your shoulders down to your hips.

How to Master the Ab Rollout:

  • Start Position: Kneel on the floor and grip the ab wheel handles, positioning the wheel near your knees.
  • Roll Out: Slowly roll the wheel forward, extending your body into a straight line.
  • Engage Your Core: Tighten your abs as if bracing for a punch. Keep your back flat, avoiding any sagging or arching.
  • Return to Start: Pull the wheel back towards your knees, using your core to control the movement.

Why Ab Rollouts Rock Your Core:

  • Full Core Engagement: Your entire core, including the oft-ignored transverse abdominis and obliques, gets in on the action.
  • Posture Perfection: Strengthening these muscles contributes to better posture.
  • Stability Boost: As your core muscles become stronger, your stability improves, aiding in overall performance and balance.

Like any exercise, form is key. If you find your lower back is taking a hit, it’s a sign to adjust your technique.

Starting with shorter rollouts and gradually increasing the distance as your core gets stronger can prevent overextension and reduce the risk of injury.

10. Alternating Lunges

Alternating Lunges are a powerhouse movement for leg strengthening. They activate the quadriceps and gluteal muscles effectively.

Here’s how you nail them:

  • Begin with your feet hip-width apart, standing tall with hands on hips or holding weights at your sides for added resistance.
  • Step forward with one foot, lowering your hips until both knees are bent at about a 90-degree angle. Make sure your front knee is directly above your ankle and not pushed out too far.
  • The back knee should hover just above the ground, creating two right angles with your legs. Keep the weight in your heels as you push back up to the starting position.
  • Then step forward with the opposite leg and repeat the lunge, alternating legs each time.

This exercise also engages your core muscles as they work to stabilize your body during the movement.

With each lunge, ensure that you maintain an upright posture; avoid leaning forward or backward to prevent strain on your back.

Alternating Lunges contribute to lower body workouts by not only targeting quadriceps but also by enhancing gluteal muscle activation for a toned lower body.

They are considered unilateral leg exercises because they train one side of your body at a time, improving balance and coordination.

Performing lunges regularly can lead to increased lower body strength training benefits and overall leg toning exercises efficiency.

Focus on controlled movements rather than speed to maximize muscle engagement and minimize risk of injury.

11. Ankle Hops

Have you ever thought of adding a bounce to your workout routine?

Well, ankle hops might just be the springy exercise you’ve been looking for! To start, stand straight with your feet hip-width apart.

Now, simply hop up and down using your ankles, not your knees or hips. Imagine you’re a pogo stick, with the spring being in your ankles!

Why are ankle hops so great? Here’s the deal:

  • They strengthen your calves, ankles, and feet.
  • Want to improve your agility? Ankle hops got your back.
  • They’re a secret weapon for increasing your vertical jump.

Tips to Enhance Your Ankle Hops:

  • Land softly to protect your joints.
  • Keep those knees slightly bent; they’re your shock absorbers.
  • Get adventurous by adding a bit more height or distance to each hop.

Including ankle hops in your routine can be a game-changer, especially if you’re into sports where quick moves matter.

12. Archer row

Archer rows pack a powerful punch for your upper body, focusing on muscles key to posture and strength.

If you’re ready to take your back workout to the next level, this is the move for you.

Engage in archer rows as they specifically target scapular retraction and thoracic rotation, crucial for spinal health.

Consider it an advanced step after mastering the inverted row; archer rows demand greater muscle engagement.

Expect to see growth in your lats, rhomboids, and traps, contributing to a more muscular back profile.

Look into partner-assisted variations like negatives or jump pull-ups that can complement your routine with dynamic resistance challenges.

Discover its unexpected place beyond the gym; archer rows even find mention in family therapy techniques, illustrating their versatility.

Try out different forms of archer rows using dumbbells or calisthenics to add variety or adapt the exercise to available equipment like rings or bands.

13. Alternating Heel Touches

Alternating heel touches are a fantastic way to focus on your core, especially if you’re aiming to strengthen those oblique muscles and get that toned abdominal look.

While engaging in this simple movement, you hit the major muscle groups in your midsection, making it an efficient abs workout.

How to perform:

  • Start by lying flat on your back on a comfortable exercise mat; keep your knees bent and feet planted firmly on the ground.
  • Keep your arms extended along your sides with palms facing down; this is your starting position.
  • Exhale as you crunch up slightly to reach your right hand towards your right heel. Your obliques should feel engaged.
  • Inhale as you return to center, then repeat the motion on the left side by touching the left heel with your left hand.
  • Maintain a brisk pace but ensure every move is deliberate and controlled for optimal abdominal toning.
  • As you alternate between sides, visualize drawing each of your heels closer, which helps activate the abs further.
  • Incorporate breathing into the rhythm of the exercise to boost core stability throughout each repetition.

You can integrate alternating heel touches into an overall abs workout or perform them independently as part of a quick belly fat reduction routine.


You’ve just explored a variety of exercises starting with the letter “A”—each designed to enhance your fitness journey.

Just think of these exercises as tools in your fitness toolbox, ready whenever you need them. And if you’re unsure about an exercise, there are heaps of resources and case studies out there to guide you through.

Don’t forget that combining these exercises with good nutrition is crucial. It’s like pairing your favorite cup of coffee with the perfect slice of cake—each complements the other!

Leap into action today and feel the power of activity starting with ‘A’ propelling you towards your goals!

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