Best Fitness Gear For At-Home Mobility Training

 Fitness Gear For At-Home Mobility Training

Many people still avoid mobility training. Most believe that building strength and adding conditioning to their workouts is enough.

But how can you expect to become a better, faster, stronger version of yourself

If you never take the time to address how you move?

Mobility is the foundation of all movement, those who actively train their mobility see improvements in their range of motion and function while simultaneously gaining strength through flexibility.

These are the cornerstones of almost every active pursuit possible, and every person truly pursuing better health and fitness already knows and honours this.

Mobility training isn’t as sexy as the high-energy workouts you see on IG. But do you think all the athletes who post regularly aren’t refining their movements?

It’s one thing to be self-conscious when training in public, but in the comfort of your home, there is no excuse not to spend a few minutes using a foam roller or putting your boxing equipment through its paces.

How about switching up your workout to include plyometrics to improve your balance?

Willingness to make minor adjustments to your programming are not only possible but necessary if you want to smash your fitness goals.

Continue reading to discover the top three things you need to add to your schedule if you want to move like a pro and supercharge your performance.

Boxer Mobility

Boxer Mobility

Boxing is explosive. When you combine a heavy workload with high-energy training drills, there’s nowhere to hide.

So it makes sense that most boxers begin to feel the effects over time. The repetitive nature of sport puts a great deal of emphasis on some muscle groups while the rest remain underdeveloped.

Without targeted mobility training, staying agile and improving your technique becomes increasingly difficult as you face a growing number of body imbalances.

Tackle these issues head-on and start by addressing your legs.

Build your glutes and mobilise your hips, to aid your strength, balance and footwork in this short and snappy leg workout, which proves that mobility training delivers based on consistency, not duration.

Strengthen your lower body by mixing up your movements and reap the rewards as you can drive more forceful punches thanks to your increased leg strength.

A full-body resistance band workout will help you open up the chest and shoulders, allowing for better rotation while reducing strain and muscle tear frequency.

Reward your body after a hard session with a foam roller routine for fighters that you can find online.

Conditioning VS Mobility

Now you have a few tools in your arsenal to help assess your mobility and put you on the path to greatness, how does conditioning factor into the mix?

There’s a common misconception that conditioning and mobility are interchangeable.

To be all to withstand a high level of conditioning and execute it well, improving your mobility is the vehicle to get you there.

So you’ll want to update your conditioning portions to ensure you’re hitting the mark.

Watch your form when training old-school moves like jump rope, agility training, and box jumps. If you find yourself getting sloppy, add in more lifts to help you harness your power from the ground up.

Strengthening your static back and incorporating dynamic movements to stretch the spine should help you maintain your form and keep those defences up.

Softening The Blow

Engaging in a full-contact sport often comes at a price. Lots of at-home boxers assume that most injuries only affect fighters.

In reality, training injuries are far more common. Injury prevention and recovery is the main reason most boxers begin focusing on mobility but stretching.

Is there more you could do to build your body and minimise risk?

Given that most boxing injuries come from the heavy bag, fractures of the arm, wrist, and hands are more likely to reoccur if you’re not proactive and measured in your recovery.

The industry mantra of fighting through the pain could explain why most novice boxers don’t adopt a whole body approach until strain and pain take them out of the game.

Hand and wrist mobility is a game changer, and now that it’s finally gaining some traction, here’s how you can strengthen your paws.

There is also a growing trend of using bodywork tools like scrapers and massagers to boost circulation, release tension, and aid recovery.

Taking Things To The Next Level With Your Mobility Training

Once you’ve assessed your body and started working towards better mobility, how can you keep upping the ante to make meaningful progress?

Adding volume and resistance to address imbalances is excellent.

Still, as things even out, you’re going to want to find workouts that allow you to progressively increase resistance and load while you’re boxing.

This forces your body to recalibrate on the fly, which boosts both cerebral and physical flexibility and is a good indicator of general strength.

Shadow boxing drills with resistance tubing or punch sequences with bands should elevate your home fitness as you adapt and conquer.

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