How Many Calories In A Whole Watermelon?

how many calories in a whole watermelon

Summertime and watermelon: Name a more iconic duo, I’ll wait. In fact, the two go together so well that July has been recognized as National Watermelon Month. Pretty sweet, eh?

That pun wouldn’t have held up in ancient times. According to National Geographic, watermelon was actually bitter when it first originated in Africa. Throughout history, it was cultivated to be the sweet fruit that you know it as.

You may be eating this fruit for its refreshingness, but are you aware of just how healthy it is? How many calories in a whole watermelon?

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How Much Caffeine Is In Fat Burner Supplements?

caffeine in fat burner supplements

As you probably know by now, there is so much controversy over the effectiveness of fat burner supplements that buyers tend to get a little confused.

Because we understand how hard it is to find that one product that will help you lose weight, we are going to show some of the most popular fat burner supplements on the market.

More than that, we are also going to take a closer look at the caffeine content, the products’ primary ingredient, and try to figure out if it is good or bad for your health.

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Is C4 Pre Workout Safe For You?

Is C4 Pre Workout Safe For You

There has been a debate for a very long time over the safety of pre-workout supplements. Well, I am here to help you understand everything you need to know. In the end, we will be able to ascertain for a fact whether it is safe to use or not.

First, let me start by explaining to you what a C4 pre workout (also known as Cellular C4) really is and what it does. C4 pre workout is a supplement made up of minerals, vitamins, herbs and amino acids.

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BCAA Vs Amino Acids

BCAA Vs Amino Acids

When you’re new to weight training or are just starting to take it more seriously, you have tons of questions about the best training splits, exercises, and equipment to help you pack on muscle as fast as possible.

You also have a lot of questions about nutrition, particular supplements like protein shakes and amino acid pills. And one of the most popular bodybuilding supplements that have stood the test of time is branched-chain amino acids (BCAA).

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What Are The Best Supplements And Foods For Workouts?

Foods For Workouts

Whether you want to pack on muscle or slim your waist, exercise is key to reach your goals. However, a lot of people don’t know which foods are best to eat during their workouts.

You need enough energy to complete your workouts and feel energized, but a carb-heavy diet full of simple carbohydrates may weigh you down and make you tired instead of invigorated.

Below, you can find a list of foods that are good for workouts, with adjustments depending on whether you want to slim down or bulk up.

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BCAA vs Creatine – Which Is Better For You?

BCAA vs Creatine

Taking in supplements before a workout is a practice some follow. There are many to consider, and one of the tricky decisions to make is figuring out which between Branched-Chain Amino Acids (BCAA) and Creatine would be best.

Both contain amino acids, the building blocks of protein that increase strength for a great workout. But if one had to choose, which of the two would be best?

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5 Best Pre Workout For Cardio

Best Pre Workout For Cardio

Sometimes getting motivated for cardio can be a pain. Luckily, there are supplements that can get you more focused and ready to perform! The best pre workout for cardio will be the one that can give you energy, focus, and even increase your performance.

Finding a product that delivers on all three fronts can be hard. There are hundreds of products to sort through. That’s why this list exists! Now you can find the best 5 products to boost your Cardio workouts!

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How Long Does It Take To Rehydrate Your Body?

How Long Does It Take To Rehydrate Your Body

Proper hydration is vital for your body’s performance, as well as your daily heath. This is because, as most everyone knows, our bodies are made of up to 60% water!

Water is important for every process that goes on inside your body, and if you’re an athlete or regular gym-goer, it’s even more crucial to stay hydrated.

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Is It Good To Take Creatine Before Bed?

Creatine Before BedAthletes and bodybuilders take creatine to help them build muscle faster. Almost all users know that the supplement has to be taken before and after a workout. You need to take creatine 30 minutes before your workout since it provides the energy needed for your exercises.

Also, you need to take it immediately after your workout so that it can be quickly absorbed into the body. While being absorbed, the supplement also draws other nutrients into your system.

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Top 5 Best Pre Workout Without Creatine

Best Pre Workout Without Creatine

If creatine promotes extra energy, why are people looking for the best pre workout without creatine?

Known and stored in the body as creatine phosphate, an integral component in energy production and expenditure as well as muscle recovery, creatine is said to be only best after, not before, a workout.

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